Social procurement roadmap to guide social procurement planning

The high-level planning roadmap will help departments and agencies implement the Social Procurement Framework.

Roadmap to social procurement success

Social procurement is when organisations use their buying power to generate social value above and beyond the value of the goods, services or construction being procured. In the Victorian Government context, social value means the benefits that accrue to all Victorians when the social and sustainable outcomes in the Social Procurement Framework are achieved.

Social procurement success depends on a proactive and strategic approach to procurement planning. Such an approach requires a high-level roadmap that outlines where the Government is now and where the Government aspires to be in the future.

This high-level roadmap will help departments and agencies determine the actions they need to take to operationalise the Social Procurement Framework.

Period Raise awareness and shift mindset Build social procurement capability
  • Procurement is a core business and strategic function that:
  • delivers value-for-money outcomes; and
  • complies with the high standards of probity, transparency and integrity.
  • Government procurement is increasingly being used as a tool to achieve broader environmental, social and economic policy objectives.
  • Social benefit suppliers are growing in number and sophistication. Leading mainstream suppliers understand the business drivers for social value creation.
  • Departments and agencies have different levels of social procurement capability and experience.
  • Noteworthy achievements by leading departments and agencies have set precedents for success and demonstrate the significant potential of procurement to achieve broader environmental, social and economic policy objectives. Opportunities to deliver social and sustainable outcomes through procurement are typically identified and pursued on an ad hoc basis.
  • There is limited data collection and reporting on social procurement initiatives and outcomes.
  • Social Procurement Framework fully integrates social and sustainable outcomes in value for money assessments
  • Social Procurement Framework fully integrates social and sustainable outcomes in value for money assessments

Procurement is a core business and strategic function that:

  • delivers value-for-money outcomes, taking into account: (a) total benefits and costs over the life of the goods, services or construction procured; (b) environmental, social and economic factors; and (c) any risk related to the procurement;
  • complies with the highest standards of probity, transparency and integrity; and
  • generates social value above and beyond the value of the goods, services or construction procured.

Government buyers champion social procurement and lead by example, working closely with their department or agency and all suppliers to deliver social and sustainable outcomes in every procurement activity.

Diverse supply chains drive competition, promote innovation and help build a fair, inclusive and sustainable Victoria.

  • Social procurement is embedded throughout the procurement process. Across Government, there is a consistent and streamlined approach to achieving social and sustainable outcomes through procurement.
  • The Social Procurement Strategy is an integral part of annual procurement planning. It provides clear guidance to government buyers and suppliers, ensures accountability for progress and performance, and fosters a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.
  • Government buyers are adept at identifying and pursuing opportunities to deliver social and sustainable outcomes through procurement, guided by their department’s or agency’s Social Procurement Strategy. Systems and processes make it easier and more effective to undertake social procurement initiatives.
  • Data collection and reporting systems are sophisticated, streamlined and automated, enabling robust data analysis and reporting that informs the future development of the SPF and enhances social and sustainable outcomes for all Victorians.

In the procurement context, the term ‘capability’ describes the combination of an organisation’s expertise, resourcing, systems, policies and processes to execute and manage specific procurement tasks and activities. Social procurement capability involves embedding social procurement practices throughout the procurement process, so that the organisation’s expertise, resourcing, systems, policies and processes enable the delivery of social and sustainable outcomes through procurement and are aligned to its Social Procurement Strategy.

Tools and support

This content on this page is taken from the Social Procurement Framework – Buyer Guidance – Guide to planning requirements. Access a PDF version in the social procurement document library.

For more information about social procurement, please contact the Social Procurement team.
