How to get known

Tips on engaging with government agencies to get your business known.

When the Victorian Government buys goods, services or construction works value for money is at the core of everything we do.

Our procurement policies aim to achieve the best value for money, while also keeping to the principles of sustainability and accountability.

Read more about the Victorian Government's procurement principles, rules and policies

Who to target

The Victorian Government buys from suppliers on pre-qualified registers and supplier panels, but we also buy from businesses we have never worked with before.

To get known, you need to:

  • understand what organisations are in the market for what you offer
  • make sure government buyers know your capabilities and are confident in your performance

To find out which government agency would be a suitable buyer for the goods, services or construction works you provide there are a few things you can do.

Look at current tender opportunities and awarded contracts

Current and past tender opportunities are published on the Buying for Victoria Supplier Portal.

You can register on the portal to keep informed of upcoming opportunities.

Search for current and past tenders on the Buying for Victoria portal

Look for future opportunities

You can find opportunities by looking at each organisation's plans for procurement.

For goods and services, each Victorian Government organisation must publish a procurement activity plan each year. This is where you can get details of what organisations intend to buy during the year.

For construction works, future plans are published on the Buying for Victoria portal.

Find out more about what Government plans to buy and who the buyers are

Make sure your bids are competitive and well-formed

It goes without saying that when you bid for a government tender, your bid should be competitive. But there's more to it than just price. We look for value for money including social and environmental factors.

Make sure you are familiar with the agency's usual purchasing procedures. A bid that is non-compliant or incomplete will not be considered.

Submit an unsolicited proposal for goods and services

There is a guide for organisations on how to manage unsolicited proposals for goods and services. Download the guide to managing an unsolicited proposal for goods and services.

Manage an unsolicited proposal: Goods and services guide
Word 262.08 KB
(opens in a new window)

Get advice from Business Victoria

Business Victoria provides information and advice on:

  • winning government business
  • managing quotations and tenders
  • marketing your business to government

Get details of winning government business seminars and upcoming events

Join government business networks

Industry Capability Network

Industry Capability Network (ICN) is a non-profit organisation. It introduces Australian and New Zealand companies to the supply chains of :

  • major projects
  • government procurement
  • commercial developments

ICN works with procurement and project managers to help identify competitive local suppliers.

Find out more about how to register with ICN

ICN Victoria

ICN Victoria opens up opportunities to Victorian suppliers within major projects both here and overseas. ICN Victoria maintains an online register of buyers and suppliers.

Find out more about how to register with ICN Victoria

Get your business listed as a social or sustainable business

The Victorian Aboriginal Business Directory

The Victorian Aboriginal Business Directory offers a central database of Aboriginal businesses.

Find out more about how to register an Aboriginal business

Australian Disability Enterprise register

If your business employs people living with a significant disability, you can register with the Australian Disability Enterprise (ADE) register.

Find out more about how to register as a disability enterprise

Social Traders

Social Traders connects social enterprises with social procurement opportunities. They also and support businesses to successfully deliver on the contracts they win.

Find out more about how to register as a social enterprise
