Components of an evaluation plan

Learn how to describe methods and techniques that will be used to complete the evaluation.

Minimum content for evaluation plans

For further guidance on what to include in an evaluation plan, refer to [Link to Plan evaluation section of guide]

For construction, see Evaluation plan (Instruction 3.7.1) 

Components of an evaluation plan

An evaluation plan may include the following components:

Evaluation purpose

The evaluation purpose:

  • relates to the procurement objective
  • satisfies the need or requirement

Evaluation criteria

List the evaluation criteria. Evaluation criteria may be:

  • mandatory – assessed as pass or fail
  • comparative – assessed under a graded scale

When procuring construction works and construction services, Evaluation criteria (Construction Instruction 3.7) requires certain evaluation criteria be used.

Relative importance or weighting for each evaluation criteria

Weightings describe the relative importance of each evaluation criterion.

Describe any weightings that apply to the evaluation criteria. Weightings may be set out as:

  • numbers or percentages
  • listed in order of importance (numbers are not used)

Describing the relative importance or weightings must be used when the procurement is subject to international agreements.

Policies that impact the evaluation

Procurement-related policies may impact the evaluation by:

  • requiring certain mandatory or comparative evaluation criteria be used
  • requiring minimum weightings for certain evaluation criteria

Examples: Where the Local Jobs First Policy applies to a procurement, it includes requirements for:

  • local content be included as an evaluation criterion and specifies the weighting

There are several different ways to achieve social procurement outcomes through a procurement. Refer to [link] for guidance on how to plan for social procurement in your evaluation.

Evaluation method – decision rules

The decision rule describes how to decide between offers.

Use as many decision rules as needed to cover all of the evaluation criteria.

An additional decision rule may be needed to address overall value for money.

Decision rules may be:

  • binary (yes or no)
  • graded


  • The service provided holds registration with the relevant regulator – either:
    • demonstrated, or
    • not demonstrated
  • Experience held by the service provider may be graded, so that more years of experience gain a higher score

Evaluation method - techniques

The techniques used to choose the offer that best meets the decision rule.

For goods and services, the value for money ratio is the recommended evaluation method.

Refer to [link evaluate and select guide] for information on this method.

Examples of other evaluation techniques:

  • Whole of life costing
  • Net present value analysis
  • Technical evaluation
  • Matrix analysis (graded assessment and weightings)
  • Risk analysis

More than one evaluation technique may be used in an evaluation.

Evaluation method - stages

Determine if the evaluation will be staged. Stages may include:

  • shortlisting
  • best and final offer
  • interview
  • presentation
  • site visit
  • negotiation

For each stage used, describe the method of how it will be used.

Example: If interviews will be conducted, describe

  • the maximum length for each interview
  • when and where interviews will be held
  • who can be involved, for example the number of key staff
  • presentation aids to be made available

Handling non-conforming tenders

Non-conforming tenders may include offers that are:

  • incomplete - have missing or incomplete information
  • alternative - present a different way to achieve the need

Describe how such offers will be treated. For example, offers that fail mandatory requirements would not be evaluated further.

Tender management issues

The management of the evaluation and how probity issues will be dealt with.


  • Records management
  • How offers will be stored to ensure they remain secure and confidential
  • How communications with bidders will be handled
  • Process for declaring and managing conflicts of interest
  • Processes to support confidentiality
  • Reporting requirements

Evaluation team members


  • members of the evaluation team
  • the role each member will perform
  • what parts of the offer each member will have access to
  • if external specialists will form part of the evaluation
  • how input from external specialists will be used


Describe key dates for the evaluation.
