Legal services panel contract

This contract offers quality, cost-effective legal services.


This panel offers quality, cost-effective legal services.

Lead organisation: Department of Justice and Community Safety

Conditions of use: Mandatory

Reference Number: ST 007 18-19

Arrangement: Closed panel

Start date: 1 July 2023

End date: 30 June 2026

Key benefits

The benefits of this contract are:

  • high quality, cost-effective and consistent legal services to government clients
  • a panel arrangement, which means less administrative efforts engaging legal services providers
  • social justice benefits, pro bono services and equal opportunity barrister briefing practices.

What’s covered

The contract covers the following legal services:

  • Administrative Law
  • Employment, Industrial Relations and Equal Opportunity
  • Construction, Infrastructure and Major Projects
  • Commercial and Contracts
  • Intellectual Property and Information Technology
  • Property
  • Planning and Environment
  • General Litigation
  • Public Inquiries
  • Personal Injuries
  • Coronial Inquiries
  • Legal Support Services

Read specifics of what these Areas of Law cover in Schedule 2 "Categories and Areas of Law" of the Deed of Standing Offer for the Provision of Legal Services.

Read the Victorian Government Solicitors Office (VGSO) exclusive services in Schedule 3 "Exclusive Services” of the Deed of Standing Offer for the Provision of Legal Services.

The Deed of Standing Offer for the Provision of Legal Services:

Deed of Standing Offer for the Provision of Legal Services
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(opens in a new window)

Supplier details

37 law firms provide legal services. Each firm offers specific legal services. Agencies may only approach a firm if it covers the required Area of Law that they are requiring services for. A list of law firms by Area of Law is below:

Government and Administrative


Property, Planning and Environment

General Litigation, Public Inquiries, Personal Injuries, Coronial Inquiries and Prosecutions

How buyers join this contract

To find out if an Agency can use this contract, see About goods and services contracts.

Contact the panel's contract manager to join this contract. They will advise on who can use this contract.

Email: for information on accessing Legal services panel.

How buyers use this contract

Administrative guidelines on engaging professional services

The following administrative guidelines apply from 1 October 2019:

Administrative Guidelines on engaging Professional Services in the VPS

These guidelines contain updated decision-making and approval requirements for engaging legal services.

Service level agreement

The Service Level Agreement covers the rules of use of the Legal Services Panel. This agreement outlines:

  • service expectations
  • key performance indicators
  • reporting specifications
  • roles and responsibilities for all parties using this contract

Consider the likely legal cost of the service required. Buyers should aim to always get value for money and to encourage competition within the panel.

Buyers also need to consider the Area of Law as only certain firms can undertake services in specific Areas of Law.

Buyers can do this by:

  • applying local agency purchasing rules and guidelines
  • using the transaction guidelines
  • using an approved procurement mechanism which demonstrates value for money

Use the following table to determine how many service providers need to be invited to quote for services for all Areas of Law excluding Legal Support Services:

Table 1: Areas of Law excluding Legal Support Services

Estimated cost of serviceNumber of suppliers to be invited to submit a quote
$0 - $49,9991 written quote
$50,000 - $199,999At least 3 written quotes
$200,000 plusInvite sent to all firms in the Relevant Area of Law to submit written quotes (see Note 1)

Table 2: The Legal Support Services Area of Law:

Estimated cost of service Number of suppliers to be invited to submit a quote
$0 - $14,999 1 written quote
$15,000 - $99,999 At least 3 written quotes
$100,000 plus Invite sent to all firms in the Relevant Area of Law to submit written quotes (see Note 1)

Note 1: An invitation must be sent to all firms to tender for work, unless the Agency's contract manager determines, after proper consideration, that it is not appropriate or necessary in all the circumstances to invite all firms to tender, having regard to:

  • the capability of the firms in the relevant Area of Law
  • the complexity and risk associated with the engagement

Services provided by panel firms

The firms that make up the legal panel must follow the:

  • Pro Bono Guidelines (see Schedule 6 of the Deed of Standing Offer for the Provision of Legal Services)
  • Model Litigant Guidelines
  • Victorian Gender Equitable Briefing Policy (see Schedule 8 of the Deed of Standing Offer for the Provision of Legal Services)

Exemption policy to use a non-panel firm

The Exemption Policy sets out the rules and process for approval to use a non-panel firm. The Exemption Policy is available at Attachment 2 to the Service Level Agreement in the Deed of Standing Offer for the Provision of Legal Services.

To use regional firms for engagements less than $50,000:

  • the total value must be less than $50,000:
  • the services must be delivered outside the metropolitan area and
  • the regional provider must offer the same or better value for money as panel firms.

The Exemption policy also provides an opportunity to use an Indigenous law firm, or a firm belonging to an under-represented group (as defined in the Social Procurement Framework) for engagements less than $50,000 in certain circumstances.

If buyers use a regional, Indigenous, or under-represented firm that meets these rules, buyers do not need formal approval under the Exemption Policy.

Agency contract managers

Each Agency has a contract manager who serves as the main point of contact for this contract. Usually, this contract manager is located in the Agency’s legal team.
